General Rental Conditions
Fenandgi Beachfront Accommodation


The following general conditions are an integral part of the rental agreement with the owner and/or manager of Fenandgi, facilitated by SardiniaRE Ltd.

SardiniaRE Ltd, based in Switzerland, acts as a Swiss tour operator, representing the ownership of Villa Fenandgi, and provides supplementary services alongside the property's villa rental.

General Rental Conditions

Fenandgi Beachfront Accommodation

1. Reservations and terms of contract

1.1 Reservation of the villa has to be done per email, or directly through the website, by making use of the proper reservation form or the forms of our brokers (HomeAway, AirBnb, TripAdvisor, Booking etc.). The Guest will receive an email from SardiniaRE, stipulating availability, rates, and conditions for a stay. All rates listed on the website or other websites are indicative; these are susceptible to changes without any prior notice, depending on the period, number of guests, age of children, special services etc. The valid rates, binding for the owner are those indicated in the offer forwarded to the guest in response to his application for a reservation. The agreed rates take into account the number of guests and bedrooms allocated to that number of guests, it being understood that Sardiniare or the property owner is free to vary the rates if the number of guests changes.

1.2 The offer is considered accepted and the reservation will be considered valid and confirmed only when the required payment due for the requested services will be paid by credit card or credited on the SardiniaRE’s bank account or that one of its brokers.

1.3 The Guest has to sign the final reservation form together with the present rental conditions and house rules for confirmation/acceptance and returned by email by the Guest.

1.4 All the rates that are communicated through the offers regard conditions, services, supplements, and taxes are valid and binding. All possible updates are valid from the moment of change, and are considered to be accepted by the Guest through the act of signing their reservation form.

1.5 In the event of unexpected impossibility to lodge the guests after confirmation and payment of the down payment for reasons that may prevent the occupation of the property and / or use to the services (equipment failure, flooding, strikes, etc.), not directly chargeable to the owner and/or his manager, the rental agreement may be terminated by the latter, with reimbursement to the Guest of the amount paid, without any other charge to the lessor.

2. Modes of payment

Payment of services must be made as requested by Sardiniare or its brokers (bank transfer, credit card or PayPal), paying attention that the amount fixed by Sardiniare has to be credited net of any credit cards, PayPal and / or bank commissions, which must be borne entirely by the Guest.

3. Arrivals and departures

Fenandgi is available to the guests according to the timetable specified on the reservation form. Any possible arrivals or departures according to a schedule different from those specified must be requested and communicated at the moment of reservation, or prior to arrival. SardiniaRE reserve herself the right to accept or refuse such requests, respectively to ask for a supplement in compensation for the added costs. Check-in between 8.00 pm and 12.00 pm and between 6.00 am and 8.00 am will have a charge of at least Euro 50.00 while at least Euro 100.00 will be charged between 12.00 pm and 6.00 am.

Late check out, if allowed, is billed, depending on the number of guests, from a minimum of Euro 200 to Euro 500.

4. Supplements and reductions

Supplements and reductions will be indicated in the offer.

5. Number of guests and identification of the guests

Fenandgi may not be occupied by a number of persons (including children) superior to the number indicated in the confirmation of reservation. Any person over the established number will not be accepted or will have to pay the supplement that will be quantified by Sardiniare or by the owner.

The guest is responsible for the identification of all present in the villa and has to inform SardiniaRE about the name and address of every guest and on request to send a copy of the ID card by email before arrival. SardiniaRE has also the right to refuse access to persons which has not been indicated by the Guest.

6. Modifications of reservation

In case the Guest asks to modify a reservation that was confirmed already, SardiniaRE reserves itself the right to accept or reject any such request.

7. Right to cancel and penalties, substitutions

7.1 SardiniaRE strongly recommend to conclude an annulations insurance, because, unless specifically stated otherwise, cancellations are accepted 100% only if made 120 days before commencement of rental. SardinaRE will retain a fixed administrative fee of Euro 200.00.

  1. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the following charges are payable in case of cancellation of the contract after that period:
  1. 119 days or less before date of commencement of rental: 30% of the whole amount
  1. between 90 and 60 days incl. before commencement of rental: 50% of the whole amount
  1. between 59 and 30 days inc. before commencement of rental: 75% of the whole amount
  1. within 29 days or less of commencement of rental 100% of the whole amount
  1. There is no reimbursement in case the Guest decides to interrupt a stay that has started already, and the same applies in case the Guest cannot undertake the trip for any reason (excepted in case of lockdown for covid-19). No reimbursement is forthcoming in case the Guest arrives late due to strikes or because of difficulties encountered while traveling.
  1. Because cancellations are accepted 100% only if made 120 days before commencement of rental (unless specifically stated otherwise), we strongly recommend to conclude an annulations insurance,
  1. In the event of restrictions due to COVID that prevent the trip to Sardinia from a regulatory point of view during the booked period, guests can cancel the booking and Sardniiare will be required to reimburse the amounts paid.

8. Substitutions

  1. A Guest that declines may have himself substituted by another person on the following conditions:
  1. the change must be communicated to SardiniaRE in writing, at least 10 working days before the date the reserved villa is expected to be occupied;
  1. information regarding the circumstances leading to decline and by whom must be included. The substitute must reimburse SardiniaRE for all the costs that will be incurred to make the present substitution possible, the exact cost of which will be quantified on communicating the actual change in reservation;
  1. the declining guest must declare in writing to SardiniaRE that he will not claim restitution of the sum deposited by him before.

9. Guest’s responsibility

The garden and the swimming pool of the villa are private spaces and therefore not subject to any legal obligation to provide lifeguard or other personnel with surveillance duty. The guests are obliged to make use of the garden, barbecue, swimming pool in their owns responsibly, especially in case children are present. The guests must observe at all times the rules of the house Eden Rock which the guests declare to have received. Further the guests have also to observe the rules of common sense, such as: to avoid children having access to the garden and swimming pool without custody of their parents, to walk on or around the pool edge carefully to avoid accidental falls, to observe the general rules of hygiene before, during, and after bathing in the swimming pool. SardiniaRe and the owner of the villa does not assume any responsibility whatsoever for problems deriving from negligence on the part of the Guest, and considers to have fulfilled its obligations as to rendering the guests aware of the risks involved in incorrect use of a private garden and swimming pool.

10. Responsibility regarding services offered by third parties

SardiniaRE and the owner does not assume any responsibility for services offered by third parties, even if publicized on its own website. Such services (e.g. car rental, and online ferry ticket agencies, catering and chef) are distributed and managed directly by their suppliers and are in no way part of the service rendered by the owner.

11. Division of responsibility, technical interventions and security deposit

11.1 SardiniaRE is responsible for the services offered and is committed to honour his declarations rigorously. In case of unorderly or unexpected services by the housekeeping personnel or malfunctioning of the installations, SardiniaRE asks the guests to contact its representative during his stay, so as to allow its representative to intervene at the shortest notice to solve the problems. Possible claims must in any case be delivered to SardiniaRE within 8 days after conclusion of the stay.

11.2 SardiniaRE is not liable for reasons beyond its control including Acts of God, legislation, war, fire, flood, drought, power failure, strike.

11.3 Guests are informed that, in order to ensure the proper functioning of all installations, various technicians must have free and immediate access to the property. As for the external installations, technicians must be able to intervene without prior notice in the external technical rooms and the pool, as they have the code to the outer gate: pool technicians for water control whenever necessary, gardeners for the irrigation system, and electricians for the external lighting system. Guests will receive advance notice for interventions inside the house. In case of emergencies, technicians will access the internal equipment even in the absence of guests, who will still receive prior notice by phone or via WhatsApp.

11.4 On holidays and especially during the Italian holidays of "Ferragosto" it is difficult if not impossible to find accredited technicians for interventions that require particular assistance to the electrical, water, air conditioning, household appliances etc. Therefore, Sardiniare and the owner cannot be responsible if in case of malfunction of the various domestic systems they could not find the appropriate technicians in the above-mentioned periods.

11.5 The guests are jointly and severally liable for damages caused to the property, furniture and utilities and have to notice immediately SardiniaRE of said damages. SardiniaRE will establish the amount of the security deposit that the Guest has to transfer to its bank account or to the owner’s account before the arrival date. Provided there are no damages the security deposit will be returned by transfer no later than 5 working days after leaving.

12. Issues related to overbooking

In rare and exceptional cases due to internet issues related to synchronization errors between our calendar and those of Booking, Airbnb, Tripadvisor, VRBO, or others, the first recorded reservation will be considered valid. In such a case, the subsequent reservation, even if confirmed with a security deposit, must be canceled by Sardiniare with a refund of the deposit.

Alternatively, the guest may choose to:

a) accept another villa that Sardiniare would be able to offer, with similar characteristics, or

b) choose a different vacation period during which Fenandgi is still available, with corresponding adjustments to the rental price depending on the different period.

For such exceptional cases, no other claims can be asserted for the cancellation of the booked period.

13. Applicable law and jurisdiction

Any dispute or claim relating strictly to the lease of the villa Fenandgi is subject to the laws of Italy and the Court of Milan shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

While any dispute or claim between SardiniaRE, in his capacity as tour operator, and its clients concerning all kind of services for the holiday at Fenandgi, cleaning, housekeeper, check-in check-out, flight or ferry tickets, excursions, car rental, catering and any other services related to the concierge service is subject to the laws of Switzerland and the Court of Lausanne (Switzerland) shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Upon arrival at the villa, the guest who made the booking must confirm that he has read and understood the present General rental Terms and Conditions.

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